Sabtu, 30 September 2017

September, 27 2017
Tempat : pasar Sungai Jawi gertak 3

Pedicab is a 3 wheeler vehicle the passenger capacity is usually 2 people. It is rarely found around the city pontianak but, in a sungai jawi  market gertak 3 there are still some pedicab drivers. Even though the pedicab is no longer the source of his livelihood, rickshaws start to get knocked out because there is a more modern transportation.

Becak adalah sebuah alat transportasi beroda 3 yang kapasitas penumpang biasa nya 2 orang. Becak sudah jarang di temukan termasuk di kota pontianak namun, di sebuah pasar sungai jawi gertak 3 masih ada beberapa tukang becak, yang walaupun
Becak bukan lagi sebagai sumber mata pencaharian nya. Becak mulai tersinggkirkan karena ada nya transportasi yang lebih modern.

September, 29 2017

Tempat : Sungai Kapuas

kapuas river or kapuas buhang or sungai kapuas lawal, that is's located in western pontianak. It is the contest river in indonesia, with a length of 1,143 km. In addition to the longest river in indonesia. It is also source of liveihood  part of kapuas river coast and also some local tourism sources. But the end of this river kapuas. Now it's getting polluted, local govern ments are trying to anticipate pollution by not littering the river.

Sungai kapuas atau kapuas bujang atau sungai kapuas lawal.l yang terletak di pontianak kalimantan barat.
Dengan panjang sungai 1,143 km. Selain sungai terpanjang di indonesia sungai ini juga merupakan mata pencaharian masyarakat dan juga sumber pariwisata daerah. Namun akhir akhir ini sungai kapuas sekarang sudah mulai tercemar, pemerintah daerah mencoba mengantisipasi pencemaran yang ada dengan tidak membuang sampah di sungai.

September, 21 2017
Tempat : jl. Adi Sucipto

The taaruf parade activity and qasidah races Sungai Raya Dalam
order commemoralation of 1 muharam 1439 H, around the road Adi Sucipto and road ahmad yani 2 pontianak, thursday 21st september 2017 the parade was done for increase the silahturahmi of islam end activity is also expected to cultivate talent as well as other poeple's entertaiment.

Kegiatan pawai taaruf dan lomba qasidah sekecamtan sungai raya dalam rangka memperingati 1 muharam 1439 H, di sekitar jalan adi sucipto dan jalan Ahmad Yani 2 pontianak, kamis 21 september 2017. Kegiatan pawai ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan silahturahmi umat islam dan kegiatan ini di harapkan akan menumbuhkan bakat sekaligus hiburan untuk masyarakat lain.

September 29 2017
Tempat : jl. Khatulistiwa, Batu Layang

Equator monument be on the equator pontianak north of west kalimantan province. It is also become one of pontianak city tour and always in the comunity especially people from out of town pontianak the important end amazing event s around the equator monumen are of the time of the sun's culmination namely a natural phenomena when the sun is right on the equator. At the culmination event the shadow of the monument will "disappear" a few second it the sun.

Tugu khatulistiwa berada di jalan khatulistiwa, pontianak utara provinsi kalimantan batat. Tugu khatulistiwa juga menjadi salah satu tempat wisata kota pontianak peristiwa penting dan menakjubkan di sekitar tugu khatulistiwa adalah saat terjadinya titik kulminasi matahati, yakni fenomena alam ketika matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa. Pada peristiwa kulminasi tersebut, bagian tugu akar "menghilang" beberapa detik saat di terpa sinar matahari.

Sabtu, 16 September 2017

Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi wabarkatu
Good night all

Let me introduce my self. My name is NIRA KURNIA SARI and miss can me Nira or Nia. I was born in Teluk Batang, 5 februari 1998 and I am studying as a first year student at the faculty of teacher training and education at the university of tanjung pura. Currently, i live in jalan silat kayong boarding house.
 Speeaking of hobby, I have hobby the thing of the word of adventure. I also like the little things like reading wathching and spending my free time whitout doing anything.
  I come from kayong utara district and I sander from kayong to this city because i since childhood did want to study at one of the famous universites in this city.
 Well now i will tell you about how my life with my family. I am one of three brothers, i have a sister and a counter brother. My brother is Bisma al nazar and my sister is named Annisa aulia sari. My parents still in kayong. My father name is Rabuan sari. He is a farmer. My mother is Hamimah, she is a great house wife.

I think it's quite in introducetion from me. Thanks you very much the attention.
Wa'alaikumsalam, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.