Minggu, 17 Desember 2017

               2. SITI LATIFAH ANWAR

Nira : selamat pagi
Siti : selamat pagi juga
Nira : maaf, apa ini ruangan I A prodi IPS ?
Siti : ya, ini ruangan I A prodi IPS. Apa kamu mahasiswa prodi IPS ?
Nira : ya, saya mahasiswa baru prodi IPS.  Kamu ?
Siti : perkenalkan nama saya Siti latifah, saya juga mahasiswa baru prodi IPS. Siapa nama kamu ?
Nira : perkenalkan nama saya Nira Kurnia Sari. Mari kita masuk dan berbincang di dalam kelas.
Nira : kamu berasal dari mana ?
Siti : saya berasal dari Pontianak dan saya tinggal  jalan tanjung raya I gang tanjung raya,  kamu sendiri berasal dari mana ?
Nira : saya berasal dari Kabupaten kayong utara.
Siti : sekarang kamu tinggal dimana ?
Nira : saya tinggal di asrama kayong jalan silat komplek untan,  apa kamu pernah ke kayong ?
Siti : saya belum pernah ke kayong, seperti apa Kabupaten Kayong Utara itu ?
Nira : Kabupaten Kayong Utara itu Kabupaten kecil namun tempatnya indah, banyak tempat wisata seperti, Pantai pulau datok dan air terjun lubuk bengkek. Tapi butuh waktu 12 jam dari Pontianak ke Kabupaten Kayong akan tetapi lelahnya tergantikan setelah sampai di kayong.
Siti : wah, jauh sekali. Kamu pergi dari kayong ke Pontianak menggunakan apa ?
Nira : kapal kecil yang biasa di sebut bone. Bagaimana juga di Pontianak ? dimana saja tempat wisata yang sering kamu kunjungi ?
Siti : di Pontianak juga banyak tempat wisata namun untuk wisata alamnya sendiri itu hanya ada beberapa. Ada satu tempat wisata yang sering saya kunjungi tapi bukan tempat wisata alam seperti keraton kadriah, mesjid jami’ dan taman digulis.
Nira : teman-teman saya pernah berkunjung di keraton kadriah dan masjid jami’ namun saya belum pernah berkunjung ditempat itu.
Siti : kalau begitu kapan-kapan mari kita berkunjung ke keraton kadriah dan mesjid jami.
Nira : baiklah, bagaimana dengan jaraknya apakah jauh ?
Siti : tidak juga, sekitaran 10 sampai 15 menit dari kampus kita menuju ke kraton kadriah dan masjid jami di jalan tanjung raya I. saya berkunjung kesana bersama teman saya. Kadang pergi untuk beribadah atau hanya sekedar untuk jalan-jalan.
Nira : artinya kraton kadriah menjadi tempat favoritmu ya ?
Siti : ya seperti itu lah.
Nira : apa kamu lapar ?
Siti : ya saya lapar, apa kamu juga lapar ?
Nira : ya, saya juga merasa lapar.
Siti : mari kita mencari makan di jalan tanjung raya, disana adalah tempat makan favorit saya dan menu makanan yang saya sukai yaitu bakso.
Nira :baiklah mari kita pergi ketempat itu. kamu menyukai bakso di tempat itu atau kamu memang suka bakso ?
Siti : ya.. saya memang suka bakso dan bakso disana enak, harganya pun murah. Saya dan nur sering makan disana.
Nira : nur ? siapa dia, sahabat kamu ?
Siti : ya, Nur Fatma Wati sahabat saya dari kecil. Dia baik dan sangat pintar yang sekarang ini saya dan dia sama kuliah di fkip tetapi dia sudah semester 7 prodi biologi.
Nira : kalau bercerita tentang sahabat saya juga memiliki sahabat yang sama juga kuliah difkip, dan namanya Agus Kardianti semester I  prodi BK.
Siti : sahabat kamu berasal dari kabupaten kayong juga ?
Nira : Ya.. kami menempuh pendidikan yang sama dan memiliki impian yang sama yaitu menjadi seorang pengajar.
Siti : “seorang pengajar” Impian yang sesuai dengan pilihan kamu sekarang.
Nira : bagaimana dengan impian kamu ?
Siti : impian saya hanya ingin mejadi orang sukses tapi bukan hanya sukses menjadi seorang guru saja namun semua bidang dan saya juga ingin menaik hajikan kedua orang tua saya.
Nira : impian yang sangat besar. Tetap bekerja keras dalam mencapai tujuannya.
Siti : terimakasih motivasinya...
                2. SITI LATIFAH ANWAR

Nira: good morning.
Siti: good morning.
Nira: sorry, is this room I A IPS study program?
Siti: yes, this room I A IPS study program. Are you a student of IPS?
Nira: yes, I'm a freshman in IPS. You?
Siti: introduce my name Siti latifah, I am also a new student of IPS study program. What is your name ?
Nira: introduce my name Nira Kurnia Sari. Let's go in and talk in the classroom.
Nira: where are you from?
Siti: I come from Pontianak and I live the tanjung raya I allay tanjung raya, where do you come from?
Nira: I come from kayong utara regency.
Siti: where do you live now?
Nira: I live in a dormitory kayong martial arts complex, have you ever been to kayong?
Siti: I have never been to kayong, what is Kayong utara District?
Nira:Kayong Utara Regency is small but beautiful place, many tourist attractions such as, Datok island beach and waterfall hole bengkek. But it need 12 hours from Pontianak to Kayong District but tired replaced after arriving in kayong.
Siti: Well, so far away. You go from kayong to Pontianak using what?
Nira: a small boat commonly called bone. What about Pontianak? where are the sights you visit frequently?
Siti: in Pontianak also many tourist attractions but for his own nature tour there are only a few. There is one tourist place that I often visit but not a natural tourist attractions such as kadriah palace, mosque jami 'and the park is written.
Nira: my friends have been to the palace kadriah and jami mosque 'but I have never visited that place.
Siti: if ever, let's visit the palace kadriah and mosque jami.
Nira: okay, what's the distance?
Siti: not really, around 10 to 15 minutes from our campus to the kraton palace and the jami mosque on road tanjung raya I. I visited there with my friend. Sometimes go to worship or just to go for a walk.
Nira: means kraton kadriah become your favorite place ?
Siti: yes like that.
Nira: are you hungry?
Siti: yes I am hungry, are you also hungry?
Nira: yes, I'm hungry too.
Siti: let's look for food on the way of the tanjung, there is my favorite place to eat and my favorite food menu is meatballs.
Nira: well let's go to that place. You like meatballs in that place or do you like meatballs?
Siti: yes .. I really like meatballs and meatballs there tasty, the price is cheap. Me and nur often eat there.
Nira: nur? who is she, your friends ?
Siti: Yes, Nur Fatma Wati my best friend from small. He is kind and very clever that he and I are now studying in fkip but she is 7 semester of biology.
Nira: if you tell me about my friend also have the same friend also di fkip lecture, and his name is Agus Kardianti first semester major BK.
Siti: Your friend comes from kayong district also?
Nira: Yes .. we have the same education and have the same dream of being a teacher.
Siti: "a teacher" Dreams that match your choice now.
Nira: what about your dreams?
Siti: my dream just wants to be a successful person but not just a successful teacher but all the fields and I also want to increase the virtues of both my parents.
Nira: a very big dream. Keep working hard in achieving its goals.
Siti: thank you motivation

Kamis, 30 November 2017

Travel and adventure

I love travel and adventure. In the kayong utara district is a beautiful place with a lot of natural attractions that are still natural such as the island of pulau datok and pasir mayang beach. Not only the famous beaches but also the hills like a bukit genta. The hill very beautiful when we have been above it and a stunning view while looking down as if the kayong visible from the top of the clapper.

Me and friends often visit the place of tourism when there is time off. I more often visit pulau datok beach becahuse the beach every weekend or holiday is very crowded. Beach pulau datok not only present the natural scenery but also present games such a banana boat.
I used to be a student of natural lovers, so i was more often the in a place of tourism in the open nature than at home but i do not often doven my photos will on a juerney and adventure. I feel comfortable and caln traveling.

In addition to beaches and hills i also often visit the waterfall lubuk baji, the is waterfall is not too familiar by community because of its existence is quite difficult to be reached because this waterfall is in the middle of the mountain takes energy to achieves this narual beauty.

I am happy to be and live is this kayong utara district.
Day care waste

The people of pontianak are very enthusiastic in interpreting the day of care about garbage 21 february

Sabtu, 11 November 2017

My Friends

   A true friend is someone who is always there for me when I am happy or sad. She is Agus Kardianti my best friend and from childhood. Since childhood we've been friends when the distance between my house and his house far enough but it did not prevent us to meet and play together. From elementary school until now we always go to school in the same place and even today we are one faculty but different from study program. She majored in counseling education and my social science education.

  Every day of his special holiday Sunday we always meet and spend time with roads to visit pontianak tourist attractions. She was my best friend who always gave me useful advice and so did I advise him. When we are together I feel happy because we always joke and laugh together. She is not a perfect person in all things and not a smart person in the field as well as me but when we are with the imperfection that makes us complement each other. I am very appreciative and happy with this friendship. Words that I will never forget "make this friendship become a friend to jannah".,

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Chicken strips

Chicken strips is a food made from pieces of chicken dagingan and in blanket by sausage. Chicken strips are appropriate for lunch because one serving is not too small and not too much. The price was for an affordable portain for the student. Price of chicken strips for one ordinary pirtain or rocket 5 is Rp. 18000. One serving of chicken strip reserved with rice + nestle orange drink.
 Rocket chicken is a restaurant that is a located on the road commander panglima aim, tanjung raya 2. The restaurant has several menus and of course my favorite menu is chicken strips. I often go to eat or just relax the restaurant rocket chicken with my friends when there is time off. Dispite the distance between where we live now far from where the meal wa.
 Rocket chicken restaurant has a good service  and the place 

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017


Reading questions

1. It local, state, and federal.
2. It state government is it charge of writing and enforcing lawsfor all the people within one state.
3. The protect the health and safety of state citizens.
4. The people of the united state elect a president, senator and representetive.
5. It can print money. It can negotiate with other countries. It can declare war on another country.


1. President, vice president, DPRD, governor, vice gubernur, regent/ mayor, subdistrict head, village chicf, village head, rw, rt.
2. The united state is a federal state, consisting of 50 state. A district of federal ( washington Dc capital of the  united state ) 5 large territorial and various small island. 48 state on mainland and washington Dc are in the middle of north america between canada and mexico. Two other state, alaska and hawai are each located in north western. North america and an archipelago in the middle of the pacific ocean and caribbean sea.
3. We chose yogyakarta because in yogyakarta city is the best university in indonesia. Such as UGM ( universitas gadjah mada ), UNY ( universitas negeri yogyakarta). In addition, yogyakarta also has many tourist attraction such as borobudur temple of prambanan temple. Becduse it contains many use ful historical value for social knowledge.
4. America embreced the federal system while indonesia embraced the republic and the term of presidency in indonesia 5 years, in america is 4 years.

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Planning and tips broiler chicken business
Interviewer : Budiwansyah, mahasiswa peternakan.

Tips on chicken pieces :
1. Prepare an ideal enclouser with sufficient sunlight and air circulation for you livestock. Sure the air temperatur is stable.
2.  The availability of water resources and electricity as well as a cage that adequately accommodate chicks.
3. Feed regulary and always keep the cage clean and the surrounding environment.
4. Do not forget to vaccinate 3 times.

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017


 Education for me train to circumavigate the word. Through education i can raise my talents dan confidence. I am not a person who dared to appear in front but i have big dreams.
 Through education i can achieve my dreams. I want to become a forestry minister. My dreams may be too big for most people. But that's my dream. I have reason why i am dreaming of becoming a forestry minstry person. It may take a while or even this is just a dream. But to me it does not metter even if the dream is not. Because i have education and through it can be anything that is use ful to the surrounding community.
 Currently i am studying at the university tanjung pura with ips education majors. Being a teacher was also my dream as a child. The teacher is a great person. Has thousand patience.
 My father and mother wanted me to be a teacher i'm targeting 4 years of completion and becoming a bachelor. After my teacher's profession i will find a job and work according to what i get. I may be able to fulfill the wishes of my father and mother or may be also the realization of my greatest dream as a forestry minister. But any work that if beneficial to others i will do as long as it is towards the good.

Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Reading questions

I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words in the passage

 1. Degree
     C. A qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studies in higher education
2. Course
     B. A series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification
3. Switch
   A. Change
4. Excel
   A. To show superiority

II. Decide whether these statemes are true ( T ) or false ( F ). Correct the false one
 1. ( F )
 2. ( T )
 3. ( T )
 4. ( T )
 5. ( F )
 6. ( T )
 7. ( T )
 8. ( F )

III. Provide brief answers to the following questions

 1. It is degree that can after completion of 2 years in community college
 2. Literatur, science, the social science, the arts, history, and so fort.
3. College
4. Social education
5. It is university higher education

IV. Reading discussion
 1. Education system in indonesia different with education system in amerika in indonesia we study in university must suitable with old and time that the real of goverment. For move a major in amerika is usual and whenever but in indonesia if we wont the move major we have to repeat again from the frist
 2. A chievenment that want to eccomplish thin year is to be an out standing student in the field of academic and non academic
 3. Which can be repaired from the indonesia system at this time is the book, the reason is because the book made by many authors of low kualitas. Why it is said low because most people are diligently he picks up and collects the information here, but he makes it incompatible with standart of the book because of colection the materials and not based on his thoughts
 4. The education system in indonesia is different from the american in terms of structural, technological or other. Education system in indonesia in school must be in accodance with the time or age. When we do not understand a science but pass the exam then he will graduated but if in the united states and also to move to majors in indonesia can not because it must repeat from the beginning but in the united states it is not so america frees to develop its ability freely and america become an advanced country among other countries because social science is our ability and also in social science we can know about society and surround and also social science learn how to behave, interact, socialize, and opinion well, so we become human quality.

Sabtu, 30 September 2017

September, 27 2017
Tempat : pasar Sungai Jawi gertak 3

Pedicab is a 3 wheeler vehicle the passenger capacity is usually 2 people. It is rarely found around the city pontianak but, in a sungai jawi  market gertak 3 there are still some pedicab drivers. Even though the pedicab is no longer the source of his livelihood, rickshaws start to get knocked out because there is a more modern transportation.

Becak adalah sebuah alat transportasi beroda 3 yang kapasitas penumpang biasa nya 2 orang. Becak sudah jarang di temukan termasuk di kota pontianak namun, di sebuah pasar sungai jawi gertak 3 masih ada beberapa tukang becak, yang walaupun
Becak bukan lagi sebagai sumber mata pencaharian nya. Becak mulai tersinggkirkan karena ada nya transportasi yang lebih modern.

September, 29 2017

Tempat : Sungai Kapuas

kapuas river or kapuas buhang or sungai kapuas lawal, that is's located in western pontianak. It is the contest river in indonesia, with a length of 1,143 km. In addition to the longest river in indonesia. It is also source of liveihood  part of kapuas river coast and also some local tourism sources. But the end of this river kapuas. Now it's getting polluted, local govern ments are trying to anticipate pollution by not littering the river.

Sungai kapuas atau kapuas bujang atau sungai kapuas lawal.l yang terletak di pontianak kalimantan barat.
Dengan panjang sungai 1,143 km. Selain sungai terpanjang di indonesia sungai ini juga merupakan mata pencaharian masyarakat dan juga sumber pariwisata daerah. Namun akhir akhir ini sungai kapuas sekarang sudah mulai tercemar, pemerintah daerah mencoba mengantisipasi pencemaran yang ada dengan tidak membuang sampah di sungai.

September, 21 2017
Tempat : jl. Adi Sucipto

The taaruf parade activity and qasidah races Sungai Raya Dalam
order commemoralation of 1 muharam 1439 H, around the road Adi Sucipto and road ahmad yani 2 pontianak, thursday 21st september 2017 the parade was done for increase the silahturahmi of islam end activity is also expected to cultivate talent as well as other poeple's entertaiment.

Kegiatan pawai taaruf dan lomba qasidah sekecamtan sungai raya dalam rangka memperingati 1 muharam 1439 H, di sekitar jalan adi sucipto dan jalan Ahmad Yani 2 pontianak, kamis 21 september 2017. Kegiatan pawai ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan silahturahmi umat islam dan kegiatan ini di harapkan akan menumbuhkan bakat sekaligus hiburan untuk masyarakat lain.

September 29 2017
Tempat : jl. Khatulistiwa, Batu Layang

Equator monument be on the equator pontianak north of west kalimantan province. It is also become one of pontianak city tour and always in the comunity especially people from out of town pontianak the important end amazing event s around the equator monumen are of the time of the sun's culmination namely a natural phenomena when the sun is right on the equator. At the culmination event the shadow of the monument will "disappear" a few second it the sun.

Tugu khatulistiwa berada di jalan khatulistiwa, pontianak utara provinsi kalimantan batat. Tugu khatulistiwa juga menjadi salah satu tempat wisata kota pontianak peristiwa penting dan menakjubkan di sekitar tugu khatulistiwa adalah saat terjadinya titik kulminasi matahati, yakni fenomena alam ketika matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa. Pada peristiwa kulminasi tersebut, bagian tugu akar "menghilang" beberapa detik saat di terpa sinar matahari.

Sabtu, 16 September 2017

Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi wabarkatu
Good night all

Let me introduce my self. My name is NIRA KURNIA SARI and miss can me Nira or Nia. I was born in Teluk Batang, 5 februari 1998 and I am studying as a first year student at the faculty of teacher training and education at the university of tanjung pura. Currently, i live in jalan silat kayong boarding house.
 Speeaking of hobby, I have hobby the thing of the word of adventure. I also like the little things like reading wathching and spending my free time whitout doing anything.
  I come from kayong utara district and I sander from kayong to this city because i since childhood did want to study at one of the famous universites in this city.
 Well now i will tell you about how my life with my family. I am one of three brothers, i have a sister and a counter brother. My brother is Bisma al nazar and my sister is named Annisa aulia sari. My parents still in kayong. My father name is Rabuan sari. He is a farmer. My mother is Hamimah, she is a great house wife.

I think it's quite in introducetion from me. Thanks you very much the attention.
Wa'alaikumsalam, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.